Secure Network Switching


We can supply, install and configure all Layer 2 & Layer 3 switching to give your network the most secure connectivity across your business estate. We can even configure VLANs to segregate your network so that certain devices cannot interact - to help prevent data breaches from external sources.


Depending on your requirements, there are various ways that we can add redundancy to your network switching to ensure that your employees stay connected and your business continues to run as normal.


As more and more devices require more data, switching is vital to keeping your network running smoothly. We can install, configure and deploy switching that has the correct capabilities for your network.

Network Switching To Stay Connected.

Network switching is a core part of any network and depending on the standard of its configuration and quality, it will effect the performance of your network. RSW Technical Solutions can advise and deploy the right switching strategy for your business.
We will ensure that you have the correct switching in place to ensure that your employees stay connected. We can arrange everything from planning to deployment, and even arrange deployment in non-business hours, to ensure that your business isn't effected.